Sunday 22 April 2012

Drama project role - Camera/DOP

My aim as DOP is to capture aesthetically pleasing images, taking the best out of the interesting locations. It is my intention to film handheld in the first section of the film as the couple take their seemingly romantic journey, this will then become more structured and locked off as things turn more sinister matching the controlling nature of the character, as the audience is taken on a psychological journey. I will be experimenting with some interesting lighting effects, such as underexposing the girls face whilst flooding it with blue light, transitioning from normal lighting in one shot, as she turns cold lying at the bottom of the cliff. Once back at his house I will using mids ones and twos, reenacting the same scene several times for each position. The lighting will change throughout, drawing attention to certain expressions, making the character seem more sinister, including techniques such as side on rembrandt as the male character moves forward threateningly.

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