Saturday 5 November 2011

Portrait of a place post 2 - planning

In our second meeting/planning we decided that our original idea would be too long for 3mins and the return journey wouldn’t have added anything to the film. Instead we decided to use a loose narrative, considering whether the main focus should be on the place and the character as secondary device used to connect the variety of pretty shots. This was decided so as to be more in keeping with the brief of creating a portrait of place. The new narrative is more of a poetic idea drawing influence from films such as ‘Miss Potter’ (2006), and other literary books which draw upon the beauty of a place causing inspiration for masterful creative outputs; be it poetry, literary, sculpture, video, photography, etc. Whilst the focus is still on the central theme of escapism from an urban world, this will be dealt with in a more poetic way. We will use a motif of a letter folded up and placed in the crevice of a tree, denoting that the location inspired the character to write his inner most feelings, relieving him of the anxiety and stress of modern day urban living.

Having visited Edale before, I had a rough idea of what would be there, which informed upon the process of story boarding, and shot lists for the film. We also decided upon our individual roles within this project. We decided because it was just the two of us, and despite having alternate interests, post-production/production, that we should play an equal part in all aspects of the project, especially at this early stage of the course.  

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