Sunday 6 November 2011

Portrait of place post 9 - shoot day

We arrived at the station early with all our kit got the tickets and boarded the train, talked to interested passengers who took interest in our kit and ventures, then arrived in Edale. We had pre planned to walk past the first part of the place we were going to film, thinking that 80 film students may get in the way of each other. The day was fairly successful we took some safety shots in case something didn’t look quite right in the edit. It was a beautiful location with a wide variety of potential shots, the day was grey and flat so we slightly under exposed some of the shots to add some contrast/colour/saturation to make it more visually appealing. We did get one glimmer of sunshine which added some warmth.  I found it strange that we encountered quite a few students who were moaning about being there and the weather, you would have thought being film students that this was the kind of thing that would really interest them, though I do get that some maybe more interested in post-production. I found it funny when people were complaining that their feet were soaked, as if it were the weathers fault, not that they turned up in plimsolls. Some people went home early without telling Debbie, which I thought was really irresponsible as she wouldn’t have any idea if someone was stuck out in the mountains. We on the other hand worked well as a team sharing an equal amount of input, and were one of the last groups to return to base, making sure that we had all the shots needed, it was a long and tiring day but enjoyable nonetheless.     

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