Tuesday 6 December 2011

Sense of Space - Initial ideas

Leaving the first session we set up a facebook group so as to relay ideas between each other.

My initial idea was to start with an urban wild track that slowly builds with a variety of city noises into a crescendo, maybe have someone screaming towards the end to add some fun, which then cuts out in to a muffle as a door is slammed or lid is shut, giving the idea the city has been shut out, then maybe have some finger scraping sounds and somebody frantically whispering “it’s quiet now, it’s quiet now” maybe or maybe not add the sound of water splashing using that to muffle out the noise. Slowly building tension throughout with a frantic state of mind, maybe some voice overs describing place during the build-up, would add to it. Also you could have someone hammering on a door in the quiet bit.

Paul added to this; I had a couple of ideas about the sound piece, see my notebook scans. I like your idea. It's very creepy!! We were playing with hydrophone underwater microphone today. We could make the muffled bit sound as though it's someone being forced underwater and being held down so it gets really tense and then have them coming up and gasping for air..???

This was then developed into a more succinct idea scaling it back from what had become more drama based effect of place into a cityscape sense of space that started quiet and built into a crescendo.

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