Thursday 15 December 2011

Sense of Space - Reflection

It was nice that we completed the project early as this meant we had time to reflect on what we had done. I experimented with the sound by playing it back on a whole range of devices including; car radio, mini Hifi, headphones, good quality sound system, laptop, computer, Tv. It’s interesting how much the playback device effects the sounds; on the high quality system the sounds were a lot more destinguished and identifiable, whereas on lower quality systems there seems to be more of a moulding of the sounds, nonetheless, I enjoyed both despite the huge difference. This suggests it’s a successful export. One thing highlighted in the tutorial was that the traffic light beeps were a bit too loud in terms of the levels and started coming in a bit too early on, which after living with it I agree unfortunately the source file was lost on a hard drive which meant that if we were to redit we would have to start again. This was a problem because we really liked how we had composed the piece and there were only a few changes we wanted to make, because of the complexity of the piece we were doubtful that we could recreate the same sound and didn’t want to loose everything that we had done. Therefore, if we were to do this project again we would firstly make sure the source file is saved on several devices and secondly reduce the levels of the trafic lights and create longer intermitence between the repetition that is until the end. We would also experiment with the build up of the crescendo, for example a slow build up into a suddden cocofony. Nevertheles, we are very pleased with the final outcome, I think it emplifies the sense of space feeling that was asked of us, there is a definite feeling of the city, drawing attention to sounds for the listener that they may have not noticed or would normally block out, the crescendo in our piece makes this an impossibility. Therefore, creating a new experience for the viewer which may lead to greater consideration of sound.     

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