Sunday 4 March 2012

Documentary Project - Initial ideas

We went away and researched Liverpool then came back and brainstormed the ideas we gained. The main thing that came through is the fact that it was labelled city of culture which Juxtaposed the label of most deprived city in England. I was slightly taken aback that Liverpool news websites like had shooting tabs and shooting maps, that depict over 50 shootings taken from 2011 alone.

Peter's idea was to have a film about the juxtaposition of the former city of culture being one of the most deprived cities in the UK, done in a poetic style, showing different areas of the town and asking residents what they think of their city in both regards, he had in mind a specific location was several streets of boarded up houses that are due to be demolished which seemed interesting.

Jacob's idea was to have a look at Occupy Liverpool at Liverpool 1, ask for opinions from different sides and ask the activists what they're fighting for. His other idea was something about the Titanic and it's connections to Liverpool, possibly a look into the Maritime museum (permission being given) with views of the people on the 100th anniversary. Which again could be covered, being an interesting yet not well known fact, though there seemed drawbacks finding knowledgeable interviewees who were willing.

 My idea which linked to Peter's was a poetic documentary about different areas of Liverpool during different times of day (perhaps with a voice over).
 Another idea was that I read there was an army style fitness training place that took place in the park when we would be filming, which could be a story we could cover, having interviews with the trainer and attendees and montages of the training.

Jordan's idea was to look at the skin cancer screening centres, having interviews with the nurses and patients with, sunbed images.

I decided to take role as Director, which was different to my previous role as camera edit, whilst Jacob took producer, Peter took camera, Jordan took editor, Ed took sound.

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