Friday 23 March 2012

Documentary Project - set backs

There were several set backs which deterred from the quality of the final film, mainly problems with the execution. Firstly the producer was absent the first day which meant we weren't fully organise. Secondly when we got to the edit we found that many of the shots weren't usable due to the camera man playing with white balance, exposure and filters getting fingers in shot, whilst we remember him getting out and putting away a tripod an awful lot there is quite a few handheld shaky images not in a good way, the pan that I was talking about earlier having he five main elements of our film in one pan wasn't level although this would have been an easy mistake as we were in the middle of a steep hill, which meant that the world tipped on to its side as the pan  progressed, only some of the edge lane tracking shots worked as we couldn't zoom out enough as the streets are quite tight, and the camera didn't cope with the motion very well leaving echos of the buildings, however we did get some good static and the demolished street worked well morning and night, If we were to do this again however I would consider fixing the camera to the car to minimise movement. A third Major problem was the sound man went AWOL having only gathered a few atmos's and a couple of guitar instrumentals from a band mate. He seemed to think that the sound design at edit stage was down to the editor. This was problematic because the sound was what was really going to bring the images to life captivating the viewer. I think if we had had a sound designer we could have had a more rhythmic piece that takes the viewer through rise and falls connecting the voice over keeping the rhythm going throughout, it was my plan and direction to get good rise and fall with high dynamic range, really drawing the viewer into the documentary. I think these technical setbacks meant that the initial project idea wasn't fully realised. The editor however was very good and committed spending several full days trying to work the usable footage we had, I was there throughout the entirety of the edit giving direction to ensure my creative realisation, we also did the sound design edit together, fitting in atmoses, voice overs, guitar tracks and creating a musical piece to go over edge lane in garage band. Overall I'm not fully happy with the final outcome due to the setbacks, its not what I set out to achieve, however it does still hold some interesting elements and explores different parts of the city and hidden elements that may not be seen by a visitor, I like the rushes of yellow and the fakery it entails, I like how we transition into daylight at edge lane which symbolises its an new day, there is hope for the city and a motivation to change. The stylistic choice of the grubby windscreen on the final shot creates a barrier between the viewer and the subject matter, showing that there are hurdles to overcome.

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