Thursday 10 May 2012

drama project – directors script

Opening shots of the countryside, stressing the beauty of the countryside. (Long Shots)

A woman and man arrive in the countryside, from a car (LMS car in the background), to go on a walk. The girl is dressed basically, almost peasant-esque. She has a flower in her hair. She is wearing leather sandels.

CU tracking back of the girl’s feet

CU tracking back of the girl’s clothes, shot sweeps up from the ‘skirt’ area to her chest.

CU of the girl’s face, tracking back

The man is dressed smartly, modernly but also boringly.

CU of the man’s shoes

CU of the man’s clothes, sweeping up

CU of the man’s face

They walk up into the hills.

MS to start, then LS of the walking up into the hills

 The girl seems jovial while the man walks plainly.

MS of the girl being jovial

 The woman wraps her arms around the man and seems quite in love with him. CU of the girl’s soft hands contrasting with the cold hard arm of the man.

LS of the ‘love action’

CUs of the girls hair flowing, behind her head, steadicam, punctuate the sequence. A similar shot of the man’s shoulders feature.

MS As the girl skips off-screen the man slows up in MS and he looks upon the girl in a ‘grave’ fashion. Music sounds to denote this.

Shot of a wall covering the bottom half of the screen. The girl skips up to it and climbs over. The man is revealed and looks surprised

Hey! What are you doing?!

Girl (looks back in CU)

Man looks on (CU) on distressed

The girl goes and picks a wild food


She holds up the food and it is framed in CU

(MCU) come back! Get back over here!

The girl saunters back and gets back over the wall

She joins the man in a MS low angle, both of them facing each other, she tip toes up to him and takes a bite of the food.

What if you got caught?

Doing what?

That’s private property! It was illegal to be there  and even more so to pick that

Don’t worry about it, I’m sure the farmer wouldn’t of, besides it is wild, it’s not like he was growing it!

The man looks at her, half annoyed, half distressed

Come on

The girl breathes out a light laugh leaves the screen in the direction they were travelling. The man looks upon her in that grave fashion as before. The minor music chimes again

The girl pushes herself a tree and mimics its branches in LSPOV of the man as a wall of black on the side of the shot.

CU of the brooding mans face.

Cut to, ELS of the landscape from the top of the hill. The shot is held for some time.

The girl enters and stands MLS in centre.

Voice over: Man
You shouldn’t of gone over that wall you know (girl looks puzzled CU) that’s somebody else property, but you don’t care for that do you, you just think everything’s yours don’t you, ‘this is mine!’ well its not!

What? I don…

Listen to me you naïve, you racist, homophobe, where have you been, this is a new world ok, you’ve got to look around and accept others and embrace new cultures, you stupid, you have to diversify, staying in your shell wont help you!

The man violently grasps the girl


LS on the floor looking towards the edge of the cliff, the girl and man struggle, he throws her off and lingers looking down at her.

CU colour change shot

Several LS: the man drags the girl back towards the entrance to the hills

Location 2: Man’s house.

MS at a dinner table, the dead woman is sat upright on chair.

MS the man comes in with dinner

CU of Asian looking food

The man places the food on the table

There you are

The man’s house is fashionable but boring

The man sits down is framed by his ‘cultural’ paintings

The man seems to murmur a conversation between the girl and himself

The man begins to eat and 2 sets of the 3 CU’s similar to the ones in the peaks except this time it shows the girls chest and the back of the man’s head.

The girl does nothing CU

Ignorant bitch!

Slaps her (CU)

The girl slumps to one side (MS)

Your emptying

The man gets up and walks out the room

Tracking shot up to the girls face, her teary eyes are open looking right at the camera. LS to CU

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