Sunday 30 October 2011

Project brief - Portrait of a place

Today we were given our first moving image project brief;
For this project you will be working in pairs.
The theme for your first project is the production of a ‘PORTRAIT OF PLACE'.
Your project will be shot during one day on an external study visit in Week 13.
 Think about the various areas you might explore, and methods you might consider to achieve an interesting portrayal of a place. You can also think about individuals and characters within a place, their personality, world-view, inner thoughts and activities.

Design and shoot a 3-minute SILENT MOVING IMAGE portrait of place
Your portrait could be:
* an exploration of a physical place
* an exploration of a person/people within a place
* a fictional place or characters you have developed,
* a self-portrait within a place
You can use any style or approach to express the idea:
                *  Documentary
                *  Drama / Narrative
                *  Experimental / Poetic
Think carefully about the structure and content of your work. Keep your ideas focused and think about how much information you can realistically impart within the timeframe.
 Shots and edits should be meaningful and given a considered visual treatment appropriate to the place or character(s) you are portraying, think about your audience, how will they interpret your ideas? Minimise your use of titles within the piece, however if you must include some titles/text please ensure that there is a strong creative rationale for doing so. Text should not be used as an easy replacement for sound. The images should speak for themselves. Think about the ‘mise-en-scene’ of your piece. How will you compose each frame of your film? What will you include in the frame?

We were then shown a variety of short films which formed inspiration for our project work. In particular I enjoyed 'Red Shift' (2004) by Emily Richardson. The time lapse techniques proved interesting showing the stars tracking across the sky, creating movement where it would normally appear still, animating the apparent stillness of night. The use of sound was successful partially computer generated, complimenting the strangeness of the animated sky, bringing it to life.

There was also a great short which I can't remember who it was by, showing forest and wood scenes sped up showing the play of light and movement in the trees, bringing the place to life. It was shot over a year and proved very interesting and artistic. It was inventive and gave a creative approach to making a portrait of place.

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