Saturday 29 October 2011

What will the next 75 years look like

Article in the Radio Times celebrating 75 years of television, Rory Cellan Jones, (29/10/11),  looking at the future of television; super hi vis? Holograms? Only time will tell. I find this kind of thing really interesting to read, cinema has developed so much in a relatively short amount of time, it is anyone's guess in what the future holds both for cinema and technology in general. If you said 10-15 years ago we would be walking around with computers in our hands, you would be laughed at. It's funny when you watch something like Alien 3 (1992) d. D. Fincher, and they have developed advanced space travel and yet they don't have what would today be considered as every day technology in the space prison, so as to process Ripley's data, they had no idea how developed it would become within 20 years, let alone when advanced space travel is possible. The computer geniuses have made scifi dated, thinking on that there hasn't been a great scifi film released in ages, one which dreams up the most incredible things that the future will hold. 

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