Saturday 11 February 2012

Experimental Post 13 First shoot day

Georgina as producer had split the day in two starting out at lunch we filmed the first scene involving the reflection in the water within the woods. I think we captured the warmth and colours that only a low winter sun can offer, this can be challenging as you naturally think that summer has the strongest or best light whereas winter is dull, grey and cold, so I think we successfuly captured the beauty of the light, time and place. We then returned to the car ate tea and went to the pub to warm back up with hot chocolates, being sub zero temperatures outside. We then waited for light to fall and went to a different location which was more accessible in the dark, then shot the second scene involving the light art animation. The day was fairly successful, we got some great shots, though we decided to miss out the loosing shoes idea, as we had no spare socks for Georgina and it was too cold for muddy feet, it may have been a bit gimmicky anyway. When we came to the light writing we found it extremely challenging to create a shape that could be repeated multiple times for animation, we ended up fairly abstract in terms of light trails. We also Experimented lighting up the protagonist, and moving to various locations which worked well, as well as lighting up a tree branch, moving different coloured torches between each shot to create movement. We learnt as we went to control our actions, listening for the sound of the shutter between each frame and considering it as an animation. Light art is challenging enough in photographic form as you can't see what your drawing, it is at least 10 times harder to then go on to consider how it can be animated, you have to have allot of imagination as you are literally creating a world that you cannot see, which is like painting an oil painting all in liquid clear. We also used some battery powered fairy lights to create a light monster, by wrapping Georgina up, as well as creating a bird shape flapping its wings and swooping towards the camera, which was fairly successful. I think some elements worked well where as others not so, and I am tempted to create a close up animation of a creature later on, as we were unable to capture this. It was a long and cold day but good fun non the less.

(One of many stills)

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