Friday 3 February 2012

Experimental project - post 5 - pitch

The next step was to pitch the idea to my group which was quite difficult due to the multiple oddities of experimental film. We met up before our first session and they seemed to like it and gave lots of different new ideas that would work well, my idea sparked their imagination which was good. Ideas included influences reminding them of 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind' (2004) , as well as coming up with ideas of projecting images utilising light carrying on the theme of light from the light art photography, making stronger connections between scenes. I was glad they were up for it, not everyone would be willing to film in the peaks again, and they gave lots of input, having found this isn't always the case with other people I've worked with. We also divided roles, originally it was me direct/camera, George produce and grace sound, we then found out this wasn't the natural grouping and neither of the girls were that confident with editing, a role we hadnt properly assigned,and there were several more technical elements; such as layering the image of the tree with low opacity, and the stop motion effects. So I surrendered Directors role to George and took up the edit due to the specific ideas I had for camera and edit. We then pitched the idea to the tutor who thought it was strong enough with several elements of experimentation and that we should start experimenting with these ideas straight away so as to make sure that the ideas worked.

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