Thursday 16 February 2012

Experimental Project post 18 Evaluation

Over all I think that our project was fairly successful, we functioned well as a group each taking our assigned roles and putting in lots of time and effort to produce a good outcome. Although there were some blurring of lines between the roles. As camera edit man I think I've captured some aesthetically pleasing shots, taking well composed images that utilised the natural light. If I were to further refine it I would be tempted to warp stabilise, through AE CS5.5 or FCP X, the handheld images, although I don't think this detracts from the film. I personally feel it's the best film I've made so far. Though we could have created allot more experimental and abstract film, I'm pleased with our outcome, which involves some interesting experimental elements. Our starting word was conjunctions and we aimed and I think succeeded in creating different realms of existence, exploring the meeting points between the real and dream worlds. In particular I like the physicality of the light art animation, which involves no digital manipulation, it draws the project back to the foundations of experimental film, which often involved physical manipulation of film roll footage. I think I've responded to the problem outlined in the previous project, having a lack of research, by analysing multiple experimental films from the film list and having a diverse variety of research and influences inclusive of Andrei Tarkovsky. Whilst each scene is very different we created multiple links between each one through the mise en scene, for example the butterflies at the beginning link to the end, theme of light and reflections is evident throughout, in the light animation we have a bird swooping linking to the paper cranes etc. I like the idea of the film maker projecting there personal self onto the screen which can then be decoded, and I think an element of that comes through adding to its experimental form. 

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